Miguel Andrés



Investigador, existencialista y reflexivo.
Miguel Andrés es un artista español nacido en Yecla (Murcia) en 1982. Creativo de vocación llegó al arte por necesidad tras haber estudiado y ejercido como publicista durante más de una década.

Comienza a desarrollar su obra de forma autodidacta a finales de 2008. Investiga con diferentes disciplinas hasta que finalmente centra su atención en el trabajo con su cuerpo, haciendo de la performance y el videoarte el eje principal de su obra.

Ha participado en multitud de exposiciones y festivales a nivel nacional e internacional; obteniendo varios premios, becas y menciones. Su obra está en colecciones privadas de Europa y Norteamérica.

También centra su atención en la enseñanza del performing art ejerciendo como profesor en Inperiencia Centro de Investigación Escénica.


No concibo el mundo de otra manera que no sea creando, investigando o reflexionando. El arte se convierte así en el motor de mi vida, la válvula de escape de mi emoción, personalidad e intelecto; así como en mi forma de conectar con el mundo e intentar comprenderlo.

Son el ser humano y todas sus inherencias los que conforman el eje central de mis investigaciones. Descubrir la esencia del ser humano, así como su naturaleza, se convierte en una aventura emocionante, pues todo lo que rodea a la humanidad me fascina y merece la pena ser explorado. La búsqueda de un mundo utópico, la justicia social y los derechos humanos, así como la crítica feroz al capitalismo y la sociedad de consumo resuenan como leitmotiv en mi obra; convirtiendo mi arte en un acto político y reivindicativo con el objetivo de despertar conciencias.

Mi cuerpo es pincel y lienzo para mis creaciones y un arma transgresora con la que comunicar, ya que con mi obra pretendo generar diálogos y nuevos lenguajes mediante la performance y el videoarte.

La investigación en primera persona es primordial en mi proceso de creación, puesto que se entrelaza con lo personal para transformarse en un trabajo de autoconocimiento enriquecedor. Buscando insaciablemente una trascendencia a través del arte para encontrar un sentido a esta vida que parece carecer de él.




Researcher, existential and reflective.
Miguel Andrés is a Spanish based artist born in Yecla (Murcia) in 1982. Vocational creative. He came to art by necessity, after studying and worked as a publicist for more than a decade.

His work begins to develop self-taught in late 2008. He investigates different disciplines until finally focuses on working with his body. Making performance and video art main focus of his work.

He has participated in many exhibitions and festivals at national and international levels; winning several awards and commendations. His work is in private collections in Europe and North America.

He also focuses on performing art teaching, serving as a professor at Inperiencia Research Center Stage.


I cannot imagine world without any way that creating, investigating, and reflecting. Art turns on engine of my life. The escape valve of my emotion, personality, and intellect. Also in my way to connect with world and trying to understand it.

Human being and all about it are the main focus of my researches. Discovering the essence of human being, as well as his nature. It becomes in an exciting adventure, because everything that surrounds man fascinates me and must be explored. Looking for an utopian world, social justice and human rights. Also a fierce criticism of capitalism and consumer society. This issues resonate as leitmotiv in my work. Turning my art into a political and vindictive act with the aim of wake up awareness.

My body is brush and canvas for my creations. A transgressive weapon with which to communicate, to generate dialogues and new languages ​​through performance and video art.

First-person research is paramount in my creation process. It intertwines with the personal to become in an enriching work of self-knowledge. Looking insatiably for a transcendence through art to find a meaning to this life that seems to lack it.


Miguel Andrés Reel 2017

Miguel Andrés talking about his work


Curriculum vitae

Winner 2nd Prize (video art sect) for CUM DEDERIT at Festival Ull Nu’16 Andorra la Vella (AD) Feb. 2016
Jury Mention for SYSTEM at FIVA Festival Intl. Videoarte Buenos Aires (AR) Dec. 2014
Winner EMBARRAT-IEI Prize for SYSTEM at Embarrat Festival Tàrrega (ES) Jun. 2014
Winner 3rd Prize for SYSTEM at Bang Festival, Barcelona (ES) Jun. 2014
Most voted video by public for SYSTEM at Pop Up Kino #1 Berlin (DE) Jun. 2014
Winner 2nd Prize for SYSTEM at VII Premio de Videoarte Ayto. Astillero Astillero (ES) Jun. 2014
Winner 1st Prize for GASPARINI PROJECT for Auser Musici Pisa (IT) Dec. 2013
Finalist for SÍNTOMA at Empireo Madrid (ES) Nov. 2009
Finalist for CALIENTE at Notodopublifilmfest Madrid (ES) May 2004

CENSURA Y LEGALIDAD at L‘Estruch -Fàbrica de creació de les arts en viu- [Ajuntament de Sabadell], Sabadell (ES) Dec. 2018
UNTITLED EXHIBITION(ISM) curated by Anselm Ros at Institut d’Estudis Ilerdencs [Diputació de Lleida] Lleida (ES) from Jul. to Sep. 2015
ESTADOS LUMÍNICOS at LCrew Madrid and Valencia (ES) Nov. 2008
UNTITLED Canvas is part of Colección de Arte Censored de Tatxo Benet, Barcelona (ES)
SYSTEM is part of permanent collection of Museo de arte contemporáneo Vicente Aguilera Cerni (MACVAC), Vilafamés (ES)

Residence for PROSPECCIONES PERFORMATIVAS at Las Cigarreras CC [Ajuntament d’Alacant], Alacant (ES) from Mar. 2020 to Mar. 2022
Grant and residence for CENSURA Y LEGALIDAD at L‘Estruch -Fàbrica de creació de les arts en viu- [Ajuntament de Sabadell], Sabadell (ES) from Sep. to Dec. 2018
Grant for UNTITLED EXHIBITION(ISM) funded by Institut d’Estudis Ilerdencs [Diputació de Lleida], Lleida (ES) and residence at Fabra i Coats -Fàbrica de Creació- [Ajuntament de Barcelona], Barcelona (ES) from Jan. to Jul. 2015
Residence for DE CARNE Y ALGODÓN at Sala Rai Barcelona (ES) and Nau Coclea, Girona (ES) from Mar. to May 2010

9COSSOS for Escalera de Incencios at Anaglifos Art Factory into Young Gallery Weekend Barcelona (ES) Sep. 2019

PERFORMANCE ART SEMINARS & WORKSHOPS at Inperiencia -Centro de Investigación Escénica- Palma de Mallorca (ES), Feria Marte Castellón (ES), L’Estruch -Fàbrica de creació de les arts en viu- [Ajuntament de Sabadell] Sabadell (ES), Young Gallery Weekend Barcelona (ES), Las Cigarreras Alicante (ES), Resistències Artístiques [Consorci de Museus de la Generalitat Valenciana] Orihuela (ES) and Online Workshops. from 2016 to 2022

TODOS MIS AFECTOS at Festival Grec into Molinex [El Molino] Barcelona (ES) live performance, Jul. 2022
CUERPOS EN OBSERVACIÓN at Las Cigarreras Alicante (ES) live performance, Mar. 2022
HIV REJECTED (live) at Berdache Festival [Pol & Grace Hotel] Barcelona (ES) live performance, Jun. 2021
LA OTRA PANDEMIA at Berdache Festival [Planta Uno] L‘Hospitalet (ES) live performance, Jun. 2021
6 COLORES DE SEPARACIÓN at Creacción Festival [public space] Yecla (ES) live performance, Jun. 2021
SCANNING MYSELF at Berdache Festival] [online exhibition] foto performance, Oct. 2020
DISAPPLAUSE at Dislocada/dislocated – Muestra internacional de Video-Performance Chicago (US), Ciudad de México (MX), India and Bogotá (CO) video performance, Aug. to Oct. 2020
SOLO QUIERO TU LECHE at Autogestió Porca [MACBA, Convent dels Ángels] Barcelona (ES) live performance, Feb. 2020
¡EH TÚ, MARICÓN! at Young Gallery Weekend [Nau Bostik] Barcelona (ES) live performance, Sep. 2019
HIV REJECTED at Young Gallery Weekend [Anaglifos Art Factory] Barcelona (ES), Flux Festival 2020 [Arts Santa Mònica] Barcelona (ES) and 40 años después, relatos de activismo, VIHsibilidad y resistencia [Sala Monkey Garage] Madrid (ES) video & photo performance, from Sep. 2019 to Dec. 2022
SLAVES OF OUR TIME at La Nit de l‘Art [public space] Altea (ES) live performance, Jun. 2019
RADICALIZATION at Flux Club 2019 [Antic Teatre] Barcelona (ES) video art, Dec. 2019
EL INVIOLABLE at L‘Estruch Sabadell (ES), Flux Club 2019 [Antic Teatre] Barcelona (ES) and Flux Festival 2020 [Arts Santa Mònica] Barcelona (ES) video performance, from Dec. 2018 to Dec. 2020
LA HOSTIA at L‘Estruch Sabadell (ES) and Flux Club 2019 [Antic Teatre] Barcelona (ES) video performance, from Dec. 2018 to Dec. 2019
DEMOCRACIA at L‘Estruch Sabadell (ES) and Flux Club 2019 [Antic Teatre] Barcelona (ES) video performance, from Dec. 2018 to Dec. 2019
LA HOSTIA (live) at L‘Estruch Sabadell (ES) live performance, Dec. 2018
ARTE PRECARIO at Young Gallery Weekend [Anaglifos Art Factory] Barcelona (ES) live performance, Sep. 2018
RETURN TO MULTIVERSO at Young Gallery Weekend [Espronceda Art Center] Barcelona (ES) live performance in collaboration with Marta Pinilla’s piece, Sep. 2018
I’M NOT A RED RIBBON at VIHsibles Festival [Centro Cultural el Carmen] Valencia (ES) live performance, Jun. 2018
INDETERMINATE at IV Encuentro Marika Sestao (ES) live performance, Mar. 2018
CUERPOS INDETECTABLES (video) at Zumo de video [Nave75] Madrid (ES) and Flux Festival 2020 [Arts Santa Mònica] Barcelona (ES) video performance, Jan. 2020 and Dec. 2020
CUERPOS INDETECTABLES at Marte Feria Inter- nacional de Arte Contemporáneo [Auditorio de Castellón] (ES) and V Encuentro Marika Santa Susanna (ES) live performance, Nov. 2017 and Sep. 2018
ECHOES OF SYRIA at Empremta Festival 2017 L’Hospitalet (ES) live performance, May 2017
ENSAYO SOBRE EL PUDOR at Hybrid Art Fair [Petit Palace Hotel] Madrid (ES) live performance, Feb. 2017
SOMETHING PERSONAL at Influx Festival 2016 [Antic Teatre] Barcelona (ES) live performance, Nov. 2016
REMEMBRANZA at Manlleu Galería d’Art Manlleu (ES) live performance, Nov. 2016
RIBBON at Flux Club 2019 [Antic Teatre] Barcelona (ES) and Flux Festival 2020 [Arts Santa Mònica] Barcelona (ES) video performance, from Mar. 2019 to Dec. 2020
LE PENSEUR at Young Gallery Weekend [Sala Hiroshima] Barcelona (ES) live performance, Oct. 2016
LA COSIFICACIÓN DE LOS CUERPOS at Salón Erótico de Barcelona [Pabellón Olímpico Vall d’Hebrón] Barcelona (ES) live performance, Oct. 2016
SALARIUM at Embarrat Festival [Museu Trepat] Tàrrega (ES) live performance, May 2016
GOLDEN FOUNTAIN at Institut d’Estudis Ilerdencs (Solo exhibition), Embarrat Festival (Official selection) Tàrrega (ES), Bang Festival (Official selection) Barcelona (ES), VEA 2ª Bienal Internacional de Videoarte y Animación (Official selection) Puebla (MX), Proyector Festival (as invited artist) Madrid (ES), Salón Erótico de Barcelona (ES), Pornfestival Berlin (Official selection) Berlin (DE), Hybrid Art Fair [into Se Alquila Proyecto] Madrid (ES), WHAT THE FUCK! FEST! Paris (FR), Flux Club 2019 [Antic Teatre] Barcelona (ES), Flux Festival 2020 [Arts Santa Mònica] Barcelona (ES) video art, from Jul. 2015 to Dec. 2020
DUST WE ARE at Institut d’Estudis Ilerdencs (Solo exhibition), Flux Club 2019 [Antic Teatre] Barcelona (ES), Flux Festival 2020 [Arts Santa Mònica] Barcelona (ES) video art/installation, from Jul. 2015 to Dec. 2020
FUCKIN’ DISCOURSE at Institut d’Estudis Ilerdencs (Solo exhibition), PièceOFF Rome (IT) and Sant Andreu Contemporani [into WB. Alegría aquí están los no muertos, Centre Cívic Sant Andreu] Barcelona (ES) installation and video performance, Jul. 2015 and Feb. 2018
CUM DEDERIT at Institut d’Estudis Ilerdencs (Solo exhibition), Festival Ull Nu’16 (Official selection) Andorra la Vella (AD), Bang Festival (Official selection) Barcelona (ES), EroStreet Festival Barcelona (ES), Salón Erótico de Barcelona (ES), Flux Club 2019 [Antic Teatre] Barcelona (ES), Flux Festival 2020 [Arts Santa Mònica] Barcelona (ES) video art, from Jul. 2015 to Dec. 2020
INCOMPLETE at Institut d’Estudis Ilerdencs (Solo exhibition), Flux 2015 [Arts Santa Mònica] Barcelona (ES), Festival IVAHM [Centro de Artes de Vanguardia La Neomudejar] Madrid (ES), Flux Club 2019 [into Antic Teatre] Barcelona (ES) and Flux Festival 2020 [Arts Santa Mònica] Barcelona (ES) video art, from Jul. 2015 to Dec. 2020
SYSTEM at Embarrat Festival (Official selection and winner) Tàrrega (ES), Bang Festival (Official selection and winner) [Contrast Gallery and Casa Elizalde] Barcelona (ES), Pop Up Kino #1 [PPC Gallery] Berlin (DE), Miden Festival Kalamata (GR), Se Alquila Estado Madrid (ES), Ciudad de Guatemala (GT), Buenos Aires (AR), VII Premio de Videoarte Ayto. Astillero (Official selection) Astillero (ES), Musée de l’Elysée Lausanne (SW), MUSAC Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León León (ES), IV Photo Meeting Barcelona [Palacio de la Virreina] Barcelona (ES); CENDEAC Murcia (ES) and others places presented by Joan Fontcuberta into his meetings; Pop Up Kino #2 (Invited artist) Berlin (DE), Konvent Puntzero Berga (ES), Flux Club [Antic Teatre] Barcelona (ES), Future Identities [Palazzo Albrizzi and Palazzo Ca’ Zanardi] Venice (IT), Feria Marte [Palau de la Festa] Castellón (ES), 48H OPEN HOUSE [into Se Alquila proyecto] Buenos Aires (AR), ReCulture III [Skagiopoulio Foundation] Patras (GR), FIVA Festival Internacional Videoarte Buenos Aires (AR), ESBALUARD Museu d’Art Modern i Contemporani de Palma [into FIVA 4] Palma de Mallorca (ES), Escalera de Incendios Barcelona (ES), New Media Arts Festival IVAHM 15 (Official selection) [Centro de Artes de Vanguardia La Neomudéjar] Madrid (ES), Proyector Festival (Official selection) Madrid (ES), Coímbra (PT), Milan (IT), Calles de Oaxaca (MX), Fenòmens Festival Barcelona (ES), TWIXTlab Athens (GR), Digital Flows [MACT/CACT Museum and Center of Contemporary Art of Ticino] Bellinzona (CH) , CreAcción 2017 Yecla (ES), Music and Dealers into Proyector selection [Matadero] Madrid (ES), II Edición de la Nit de l’Art Altea (ES), Centro de Innovação da Mouraria Lisbon (PT), Procesos de Error Valparaíso (CL), Flux Festival 2020 [Arts Santa Mònica] Barcelona (ES) video art, from May 2014 to Dec. 2020
20 SECONDS (OR MORE) at EroStreet Festival Barcelona (ES) live performance, May 2016
LITTLE SWEET SEX TALES at PièceOFF Rome (IT) live performance, Apr. 2016
TEORÍAS SOBRE EL PAPEL at Young Gallery Weekend [Centro Espronceda] Barcelona (ES), Inperiencia Palma de Mallorca (ES) and Atelier Olivenza (ES) live performance, Oct. 2015 and Jun. 2017
CARPACCIO DI AMORE at Proyector Festival [Espacio Naranjo] Madrid (ES) live performance, Sep. 2015
ANATOMÍA DEL CERDO at Embarrat Festival [Museu Trepat] Tàrrega (ES) live performance, Jun. 2015
RECURSOS at Fabra i Coats – Fàbrica de Creació into En procés Barcelona (ES) live performance, May 2015
VENDIDO at Escalera de Incendios [into Con ánimo de involucro] Barcelona (ES) happening, Mar. 2015
SYSTEM (Live) at Embarrat Festival Tàrrega (ES), Feria Marte Castellón (ES) and Decorrido´16 [Centro Párraga] Murcia (ES) live performance, from Jun. 2014 to Dec. 2016
RORSCHACH at Pop Up Kino #2 Berlin (DE), Flux Club [Antic Teatre] Barcelona (ES), Feria Marte Castellón (ES), La Penúltima Barcelona (ES), El Catascopio [into CityScreens LOOP BARCELONA] Barcelona (ES), PièceOFF Rome (IT), Flux Festival 2020 [Arts Santa Mònica] Barcelona (ES) video art, from Jul. 2014 to Dec. 2020
FOUNTAIN (live) at Jääl Photo #2 with Quiosc Gallery Madrid (ES) and Queer Fest Benicassim (ES) live performance, from Feb. 2014 to Jun. 2018
FOUNTAIN at Bang Festival (official selection) Barcelona (ES), Flux Club [Antic Teatre] Barcelona (ES), Feria Marte Castellón (ES), PièceOFF Rome (IT) video performance, from Feb. 2014 to Apr. 2016
MAS BA´GET at The pleasure of improbable placements [Las Berbardas] Salt (ES) live performance, Jul. 2014
LA GRAN MÁQUINA at Televisió de Catalunya for Embarrat Festival Catalonia (ES) performance for TV spot, Jun. 2014
DOGMA at Jääl Photo #2 with Quiosc Gallery Madrid (ES) live performance, Feb. 2014
DOWN TOWN at 080 Barcelona Fashion with Selim de Somavilla Barcelona (ES) video art, Jan. 2014
FUCKIN’ MELON at Room Art Fair #3 with Quiosc Gallery Madrid (ES), Flux Club [Antic Teatre] Barcelona (ES), PièceOFF Rome (IT) video performance, from Nov. 2013 to Apr. 2016
LABEL at Room Art Fair #3 Madrid (ES) and Quiosc Gallery Tremp (ES) live performance, Nov. and May 2013
DISPROPORTIONATE FORCE at Carme Teatre Valencia (ES) live performance, Oct. 2013
SOLO at Video Looking L’Hospitalet (ES), Room Art Fair #2 with Quiosc Gallery Madrid (ES), Flux Club [Antic Teatre] Barcelona (ES), PièceOFF Rome (IT), Flux Festival 2020 [Arts Santa Mònica] Barcelona (ES) video performance, from Nov. 2013 to Dec. 2020
SOLO (live) at Room Art Fair #2 with Quiosc Gallery Madrid (ES) live performance, Nov. 2012
IN GOD WE TRUST & SACRIFICE TO MARKETS at Se Alquila Mercado Madrid (ES) video art & self-portrait, May 2013
DYSTHYMIA at Video Looking L’Hospitalet (ES)video performance, Nov. 2012
EXPLORERS at Espacio Joven Valladolid Valladolid (ES), Zona 9 International Videoart Festival Santiago (CL), Flux Club [Antic Teatre] Barcelona (ES), Amigdala [into PièceOFF] Rome (IT) video arts, from Nov. 2012 to Jun. 2016
AUTOREVERSE at Flux Club 2019 [Antic Teatre] Barcelona (ES), Flux Festival 2020 [Arts Santa Mònica] Barcelona (ES) video art, from Mar. 2019 to Dec. 2020
FILOSOFÍA DE ANDAR POR CASA at La Cova de les Cultures Barcelona (ES) and Killing Time Valencia (ES) live performance, Juny and Dec. 2010
ESTAMPITAS DE LOS SANTOS at Blasfemia’s Show and Galería Maxó Barcelona (ES) artworks, May and Aug. 2010
MENTE SUBTERRÁNEA at Blasfemia’s Show, Expo Petit Detall and Ras Gallery Barcelona (ES) artwork, May to Juny 2010
MALOS HÁBITOS at Blasfemia’s Show Barcelona (ES) live performance, May 2010
ESTADOS LUMÍNICOS at Lcrew Valencia (ES) photography, Sep. 2008
MING in private collection of Germany and Spain.
CON LOS PIES… in private collection of Germany.
SYSTEM in private collection of Spain.
RORSCHACH in private collection of Germany.
FOUNTAIN in private collection of Spain.
FUCKIN’ MELON in private collections of Austria, USA and Canada.
SOLO GRAND PIANO in private collections of USA, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and Canada.


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