(Del lat. ars, artis, y este calco del gr. τέχνη).
1. amb. Virtud, disposición y habilidad para hacer algo.
2. amb. Manifestación de la actividad humana mediante la cual se expresa una visión personal y desinteresada que interpreta lo real o imaginado con recursos plásticos, lingüísticos o sonoros.
3. amb. Conjunto de preceptos y reglas necesarios para hacer bien algo.
4. amb. Maña, astucia.
5. amb. Disposición personal de alguien. – RAE
El debate acerca de la utilidad del arte es prolijo. Pero hay una cosa clara: ‘el arte no es sólo un objeto decorativo’ o un activo especulativo. Hay algo más, tiene que haberlo. Alma, sentimiento, conexión, mensaje, debate, pensamiento y tanto como el ser humano sea capaz de sentir.
Y así, utilizando el arte como excusa se contraponen los formatos clásicos con el cuerpo humano para reivindicar la performance como el arte que es. Solo la esencia del ser humano.
1.1 [MASS NOUN] The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
1.2 Works produced by human creative skill and imagination.
1.2 Creative activity resulting in the production of paintings, drawings, or sculpture.
2. (the arts) The various branches of creative activity, such as painting, music, literature, and dance.
3. (arts) Subjects of study primarily concerned with human creativity and social life, such as languages, literature, and history (as contrasted with scientific or technical subjects). – OXFORD DICTIONARY
The debate on the usefulness of art is vague. But there is one thing clear: “art is not only a decorative object” or a speculative act. There is something more, you need to have something more. Soul, sentiment, connections, discussions, messages, thoughts and as many as human beings are capable of feeling.
In this way, using art as an excuse, it confronts the classic formats with the human body to lay claim to the performance as the art which it is. Only the essence of the human being.
Technical data
Year: 2015
Photographic series, 4 pieces 70×50 cm
DIDAC ALCOBA (Photography), JUANJO SÁNCHEZ (Production assistant), SHEILA SERRANO (Body painting artist) and MAGDALENA SÁNCHEZ (Body painting assistant).
INTO UNTITLED EXHIBITION(ISM) at SALA GÒTICA – Institut d’Estudis Ilerdencs Lleida (ES), From July to September 2015