
¿Te imaginas que la democracia tan solo consistiera en depositar un papel en una urna cada cuatro años y luego quedarse al margen de la vida política? ¿Te imaginas que la democracia sólo sirviera para callarte la boca? ¿Y si la democracia fuera solo un timo? ¿Te lo imaginas?

Can you imagine that democracy only consisted in depositing a piece of paper in an urn every four years and then remaining on the sidelines of political life? Can you imagine if democracy only served to shut your mouth? And if democracy were only a scam? Can you imagine?

Technical data

Year: 2018
Length: 7:53


L‘Estruch Sabadell (ES) and Flux Club 2019 Barcelona (ES) video performance, from Dec. 2018 to Mar. 2019

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Graphic documentation

Democracia, video performance by Miguel Andrés, excerpts, 2018

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