Golden Fountain

«Les he tirado a la cara el estante de las botellas y el orinal y ahora los admiran por su belleza estética» MARCEL DUCHAMP

Hacer la obra dejó de ser necesario desde que Duchamp propusiera sus primeros ready-mades. Cualquier objeto sacado de contexto podía convertirse en arte. Objetos cotidianos, vulgares, que se elevan a un estatus especial al emplearse en una manifestación artística. Pero este arte precisa de una infraestructura para existir.

El arte se ha convertido en un objeto de lujo que alimenta un mercado voraz, sediento de novedades, y que da valor a los objetos mediante la retórica. El dinero es la verdadera filosofía del arte que llamamos contemporáneo.

Afortunadamente el arte no ha muerto, pues la producción es masiva y la obsolescencia de las obras abrumadora. En este punto es inevitable hacerse la misma pregunta que Duchamp un siglo después de presentar su emblemática obra: ¿qué consideramos arte?

«I threw the bottle-rack and the urinal into their faces as a challenge and now they admire them for their aesthetic beauty» MARCEL DUCHAMP

Do the work no longer necessary since Duchamp proposed his first ready-mades. Any object out of context could become art. Everyday ordinary objects rise to special status when are used in an artistic manifestation. But this art requires an infrastructure to exist.

Art has become into a luxury that feeds a voracious market hungry for news, and that gives value to the objects by rhetoric. Money is the true philosophy of so-called contemporary art.

Fortunately art has not died. The production is massive and obsolescence of the works overwhelms. At this point is inevitable to ask the same question that Duchamp a century ago when he presented his emblematic work: What we consider art?

Technical data

YEAR: 2015
SIZE: FHD1920x1080px
SOUND: Stereo
LENGTH: 8:33


ALBERT RODA (Music), JUANJO SÁNCHEZ (Production assistant), DIDAC ALCOBA (Photography), MARIO MÉNDEZ (Props), MARC SIRISI and ALEIX BARBA (Filming), IGNASI RUBIO (Filming director), MARC PUJOL (Filming assistant), LUCIANO MIRANDA (Filming director assistant), ISAAC ANIS (Lights design), FERNANDO VÁZQUEZ (Barber), JORDI ESCOLAR (Team assistant), MAGDALENA SÁNCHEZ (Body painting), POL VILADOMS and SOL CARRIZO (Making-of photography) and POL GOREZJE (Documentaries and making-of photography). SPECIAL THANKS: MONTSE ASENSIO, RODRIGO RODÓ and XAVI MANI.


Embarrat Festival (Official selection) Tàrrega (ES), Bang Festival (Official selection) Barcelona (ES), VEA 2ª Bienal Internacional de Videoarte y Animación (Official selection) Puebla (MX), Proyector Festival (as invited artist) Madrid (ES), Salón Erótico de Barcelona (ES), Pornfestival Berlin (Official selection) Berlin (DE) and Explicit Festival Montpellier (FR) video art, from May to November 2016
Escalera de Incendios Barcelona (ES), November 2015

INTO UNTITLED EXHIBITION(ISM) at SALA GÒTICA – Institut d’Estudis Ilerdencs Lleida (ES), From July to September 2015

(LIVE) Aniversario Guarrantinas (Org. by Mutuo) Barcelona (ES) November 2016

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